Monday, September 14, 2009


I'm always on the lookout for physical activity that I don't have to force myself to do. I really hate the traditional workout. If I hate something I can make myself do it only so much. This is the problem with my workout "routine" which for several weeks has been non-existant. Until now!
I went out of town to visit my best friend for the weekend. This friend is a boxing champion and gave me a quick (2 hours!) boxing workout.
I was sweating and my muscles were fatigued, but I wanted to keep going because it was FUN! Today my arms hurt so bad I can barely use them. My abs hurt from keeping them tight while I threw punches and protected myself, and my calves hurt from being on my toes for so long. I love it!
I wish we lived closer so that my friend could train me all the time! I'm looking into joining a boxing club, or maybe even taking boxing as a college class.

1 comment:

  1. sounds fun!! keep it up!
